Ragnarok Online Item

Shows game / site / streaming destination locations supported by item.
Destination Server Select
Anycast (Myth of Yggdrasil)
Asia (Hong Kong - DarkRO)
Asia (Indonesia - Free Ragnarok Online)
Asia (Indonesia)
Asia (Singapore - Bear MMO)
Asia (Singapore - bestRO)
Asia (Singapore - DeviruchiClub RO)
Asia (Singapore - Eroreturn)
Asia (Singapore - MSP)
Asia (Singapore - OriginsRO)
Asia (Singapore - RockRO Proxy)
Asia (Singapore)
Asia (South Korea)
Asia (Taiwan)
Asia (Thailand - Tactics)
Asia (Thailand)
Asia(Taiwan - ForestRO)
Canada (Montreal - Asgard Legend)
Canada (Montreal - Nova Ragnarok)
Canada (Montreal - OldSchool)
Canada (Montreal - Ragnarok Reborn)
Canada (Montreal - Return to Morroc)
Canada (Montreal - RockRO)
Europe (France - Arcadia Online)
Europe (France - OriginsRO)
Europe (France)
Europe (Germany - Ragnagoats)
Europe (Germany - TrifectaRO)
Europe (Germany - uaRO)
Europe (London - BFM)
Europe (Luxembourg - Prime)
Europe (Moscow)
Europe (Strasbourg - muhRO)
South America (Brazil)
US Central (Dallas - DRO)
US East (Ashburn - Shining Moon)
US East (Atlanta - KriemRO)
US East (New York - Card Captor RO)
US East (New York - Fenrir Saga)
US East (Virginia - Payon Stories)
US East(Virginia - Project Alfheim)
US West
US West (LA - ForsakenRO)
US West (Los Angeles - Talon Tales)
US West (San Diego - Blackout)
US West (Seattle - Project Alfheim)

Ragnarok Online Item: Would you like to calculate the expected ping to the destination when using mudfish?