1) What's your issue encountering?
I get high ping or the avergae ping that i get without mudfish only during 12am-2am PST(Pakistan standard time). daily. other then that i get low ping with mudfish and that issue is occuring on daily basis. I Play valorant so i have seen this issue in valorant only. i connect to amazon abu dhabi ec2 2 server which gives the lowest ping instead of 12am to 2pm.
i get low ping on asia servers but after some time the ping gets high. on any asia server this happens. at first i get around 50 ms then it goes to 120-150ms.
2) How could it be reproducible?
Connecting to the game/service during 12 AM - 2 AM daily
Testing with and without mudfish enabled
Monitoring ping rates during these specific hours
Comparing ping values:
During peak hours (12 AM - 2 AM)
During normal hours
With mudfish enabled
With mudfish disabled"
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3 days ago